Personal Training Frome


N.B All personal training sessions to be paid via bank transfer. Once we’ve agreed upon a slot, a health questionnaire will then be sent to be completed prior to the first session.


Every client is different, therefore it is extremely important to tailor programmes and sessions to the individual. All abilities are welcomed and I take pride in being able to help my clients achieve their goals. No matter how big or small, every goal is equally important.

I started training with Dan 18 months ago in a bid to improve my general level of fitness after having had 2 children and actively avoiding exercise for most of my life.  With Dan’s help I’ve achieved so much more than I thought possible, I’m in far better shape now than I was in my 20s. Dan introduced me to different ways of training and through a lot of patience and encouragement he taught me how to embrace new challenges instead of being afraid to step outside of my comfort zone.  I’m amazed at how much I can pull, push and press now, as is my husband!
Dan tailored sessions to my abilities and goals, always taking an old back injury into consideration. Working with Dan has also given me the confidence to train on my own around the PT sessions.  My strength and conditioning has significantly improved and I can fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes.  Starting PT sessions was the best decision I’ve ever made.
Dan was quickly able to identify a number of areas to improve my running style. As a result I have seen great improvements in times and performance.
Since training with Dan I have noticed a huge improvement in my fitness levels. I’m constantly pushing the limits of what I think I can do as we’re always working through new exercises and challenges in the gym. His sessions are pretty hard work but they’re good fun and they’ve really paid off!